
What A Minority I Am

At first, I have to say one thing.


I don't know fancy big words or smart idioms and probably miss spell a lot.

Of course wrong grammar all the time...

But hope to get somebody to say "I'm with you!" someday.

Like the title of this, I am a minority at least 3 ways.


I am NOT an American.

Fell in love with one and moved to the states to be with him.

FYI, we did all the paperwork right so I am legal here.

Had never lived or been outside of my country before marriage.

Some people said "How brave you are"

I worry about little things all the time, but not major things like MOVING TO ANOTHER COUNTRY! LOL

So MOVING was not difficult.

LIVING IN ANOTHER COUNTRY is a different story.

I don't lie. it was very hard first 2 years, got easier, but still hard sometimes even after 8 years.

Could be easier, if we lived in a big city.

But in this economy, not very many people have a luxury to choose where to live.

We live where we can make living.

I heard there are like 10 people from my country in the town.

Everybody is over 60, some of them are even over 80 years old!

How did I know it? I have met one of them at a local mall back 3 years ago.

She was in later 60s' and asked me to join their monthly lunch.

All the granma in town get together once a month and have lunch together.

That was nice of her but I am 32 and no idea what to talk to strange granmas.

So after 4 years, living in a same town, have met only 1 granma from my country in the town.


My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years and NO KIDS.

So many people asked us "When are you gonna have kids?"

Wish I knew the answer.

We do what normal couples do, and still no kids.

I'm not sad about it.

Used to love kids, maybe still like babies and some toddlers but NOT KIDS OLDER THAN 6 YR OLD any more.

Have met so many horrible kids, spoiled, with bad attitude, picky eater...etc.

Have met unhappy struggling parents also.

Have found so many differences about how to raise kids here from where I came from.

Plus, I can't imagine my life with kids.

I would go crazy with too much stress.

That's why I don't take fertility check or drug.

But same time, we can't make a decision not to have kids EVER.

We believe one thing though,  if my husband and I are meant to have a kid or kids, we will.

Then we will love it or them and try the best to be good parents.

But now we enjoy the luxury life of CHILDFREE.

It includes visiting my family and  staying there for a month sometime even longer pretty much every year.

And I don't mind to live like this for rest of my life :)


I am a homemaker. I don't work to make money.

My jobs are cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, managing money, taking care of animals (a dog and  a bird),

and support my husband (not with money)

Maybe taking care of myself and staying shape is also my duty I believe.

Of course I worked when I was single and have worked after marriage in the states,too.

Also have had own business for few years.

But my husband changed his job and new job make him move a lot.

After 1 whole year of living separately,  I shut down my business, sold our house, moved into an apartment to be with him.

Now I  can be 100% available for him when he needs me.

And we communicate a lot so our relationship is great and still getting better and better.

Yes. I am a minority...all the way!

Would love to meet other minority ladies!!

I think I  finish now with my very first English article of blog.

I will write again on Monday about Reason NO.1 little more with details.

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